When your measurements need to be bang on, a standard measuring device just won’t cut it—you need a caliper tool. Highly accurate, a manual or digital caliper can make precise measurements down to fractions of a millimetre. For jobs like machining, engineering or anywhere small-scale measurements are required (and precision is vital) calipers are a must-have in your tool kit.
With a large range of inside and outside caliper tools, as well as digital and manual options,
Tool Kit Depot is your ultimate
measurement tool destination. Come visit our measured team of experts for advice on the ideal calipers for your needs!
Calipers FAQ
How do I know if I need calipers?
Accurate measurements are always the aim, but when you can’t afford to be a millimetre off, your
ruler or
tape measure isn't going to cut it. Reach for a caliper measuring tool for tasks like:
- Checking the diameter of pipes
- Measuring gaps for custom fittings
- Verifying the depth of drilled holes
- Ensuring components meet exact tolerances in machining or metalwork
When success or failure hinges on being accurate to fractions of a millimetre, only a caliper tool will do.
​​How to read a vernier caliper
Typically accurate to 0.02 mm, vernier measuring calipers have two sets of scales—a main scale and the vernier scale—so they can be a little trickier to read than other calipers. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
- Zero the caliper: Close the jaws completely and ensure the vernier scale aligns with "0" on the main scale. If not, adjust to zero.
- Select the measurement type: Use the outer jaws for external dimensions like width, the inner jaws for internal dimensions like hole diameter, and the depth rod for depth measurements.
- Place the calipers: Position the jaws or rod on the object to be measured.
- Adjust for a snug fit: Gently slide the movable jaw until it fits snugly around or inside the object.
- Read the main scale: Note the measurement just before the "0" mark on the vernier scale
- Read the vernier scale: Find the line on the vernier scale that aligns perfectly with a line on the main scale.
- Calculate the final reading: Add the main scale reading and the vernier scale reading for the total measurement.
- Record your measurement: Write down the result and reset the caliper for the next measurement.
What is the most accurate caliper?
Digital calipers are typically the most accurate, and with their easy-to-read displays and accuracy up to 0.01mm, they’re ideal for machining,
automotive repairs, and electronics. Tough and reliable, vernier calipers are also highly accurate up to 0.02mm, making them perfect for precise work in tough environments. The accuracy of outside calipers depends on their type, but a traditional spring joint type is usually accurate to within 0.5–1mm. An inside caliper is similar—accurate to within 0.5–1mm for traditional types, and up to 0.01 mm for digital ones.
Drop into Tool Kit Depot or
shop online for all your measuring tool needs.