Please note: This product will be ordered in once purchased. Supplier lead times will vary, but you can expect your item to be delivered to store for dispatch/pick up in 7 - 14 business days from date of purchase.
- Thicker weight Pads are used to absorb spills or used during the final clean-up of a larger spill incident. Excellent for wiping down oily equipment or placed under or around leaking machinery.
- Hydrocarbon Absorbent pads rapidly absorb:
- Oil
- Fuel
- Solvents and other hydrocarbon products
- Spill Crew Absorbents are made from the highest quality Australian Made raw materials, which are non-allergenic, non-reacting, non-leaching and dust free.
- These absorbents are water repellent (hydrophobic) making them suitable for use in the rain or to float on the water’s surface to recover an oil or fuel spill. This makes white absorbents ideal for use on the surface of ponds, marinas, lakes and the ocean.
- Oil and fuel pads are the modern day replacement for waste rags and kitty litter in the work place and “pre-cut” to a convenient, workable size to prevent excess use and wastage.
- Pads are used to absorb small leaks and drips or used during the final clean-up of a larger spill incident.
- Insert into tool trays to capture and absorb oily residue.