This kit is for the handyman or light trade use. Coming with a variety of tips this kit is ideal for burning, heating, soldering and more. It can run off both Primus fitting or 3/8" left hand valve making it easy to get access to the gas. It comes in a durable plastic carry case for neat and easy storage.
This Kit Includes:
- 1 x Point Burner - BJ8720
- 1 x Medium Burner - BJ8719
- 1 x Fantail Burner - BJ8724
- 1 x Soldering Bit and Holder - BK8843
- 1 x Bent Stem Control Valve - BK8716
- 1 x Right Hand Internal To 3/8" Left Hand Adaptor Control Valve - PRI01
- 1 x Handpiece - BK2119
- 1 x 2 metre Hose -BK8179
- 1 x Hard Plastic Case